Lange Nacht der Forschung in Klagenfurt

Die Lange Nacht der Forschung ist der größte Forschungsevent Österreichs. An der Alpen-Adria-Universität und im Lakeside Science & Technology Park werden 74 Stationen und zahlreiche spannende Highlights geboten.

Das Institut für Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt ist mit einem Stand zum Thema Climate Engineering im Rahmen des SPP 1689 vertreten.

Lange Nacht der Forschung: CE-Video zur auf youtube: Kann man den Klimawandel reparieren?

Workshops with Prof. Dr. Klaus Keller

13th and 14th April 2016

'Metrics in the context of Climate Engineering'
'Uncertainty Quantification in the context of Climate Engineering'

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New SPP 1689 Publications

  • //// Science to public /// not reviewed /// german:
    Bauer, Stefanie; Matzner, Nils (2016): Zeit, Demokratie und ClimateEngineering. In Zeitpresse (Winter 15/16), pp. 32–34. download here

SPP1689 at the AGU Fall Meeting

Greetings from our SPP 1689 representatives at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco (December 14-18,
2015) at the »Research in Germany« Booth.

Vortrag von Prof. Andreas Oschlies an der TU München

Climate Engineering – Notoperation gegen den Klimawandel

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Andreas Oschlies, GEOMAR (Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel), presentation in german

16.12.2015, 19:30-21:00 Uhr
Hörsaal 2750, Hauptgeb. der TUM (Arcisstr. 21)

Lesen Sie mehr auf der Seite der TU Müchen

German documentary on CE including interviews with the SPP 1689

SPP 1689 Workshop Report


Link to online version.

New SPP 1689 Publications

Quaas J. (2015): Approaches to Observe Anthropogenic Aerosol-Cloud Interactions. In Curr Clim Change Rep 1 (4), pp. 297–304. DOI: 10.1007/s40641-015-0028-0

Mengis, N., Keller D., Eby, M. and Oschlies, A.: Uncertainty in the response of transpiration to CO2 and implications for climate change,  2015 Environ. Res. Lett. 10 094001, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/10/9/094001

Aswathy, V. N., Boucher, O., Quaas, M., Niemeier, U., Muri, H., Mülmenstädt, J., and Quaas, J.: Climate extremes in multi-model simulations of stratospheric aerosol and marine cloud brightening climate engineering, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9593-9610, DOI:10.5194/acp-15-9593-2015, 2015.

SPP 1689 Climate Engineering Research Conference // July 2015

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 7th-10th of July  2015 / Read more in our blog

or see some impressions here

Pointing Science: Climate Engineering - Views Onto a Man-Made Climate 

SPP 1689 Climate Engineering Research Conference 2015

Public Event – July 9 • 19:00 h • Berlin Akademie der Wissenschaften

On thursday evening we invite you to take part in our 'Pointing science' knowledge show 'Climate Engineering • Views Onto a Man-Made Climate' . Pointing science is a media-based show, in which experts as well as the audience are able to participate. The direction of the discussion is determined by the audience, who votes for topics using laser pointers. The combination of scientific expertise, entertaining elements and an active audience enables a lively transfer of complex and diverse knowledge.
In preparation to the show experts and laymen were interviewed on different aspects of climate engineering. These interviews were then edited to small video clips, which are offered on a screen for voting during the show and present a broad spectrum of perspectives. In addition, life comments from experts on stage or contributions from the audience via microphone, SMS or twitter will be offered. However, who is going to contribute is determined by the audience. This format enables a lively, self-organized and democratic discussion on a complex topic, such as Climate Engineering.

Developer and producer of the show are Tobias Hülswitt and Gunther Kreis who successfully used this format with other complex and controversial topics.

clips in English • discussions / questions also in German possible

Photo: Körber-Stiftung_Jann-Wilken

New SPP 1689 Publications

Saxler, Barbara; Siegfried, Jule; Proelß, Alexander (2015): International liability for transboundary damage arising from stratospheric aerosol injections. In Law, Innovation and Technology 7 (1), pp. 112–147. DOI 10.1080/17579961.2015.1052645.
Link to PDF


Kreuter; Judith (2015): Technofix, Plan B or Ultima Ratio? A Review of the Social Science Literature on Climate Engineering Technologies. Oxford University, Institute of Science, Innovation and Society (Occasional Paper Series, 2).
Link to PDF

Heyen, Daniel (2015): Five Essays in the Economics of Climate Engineering, Research, and Regulation under Uncertainty. Dissertation. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg. Economy and Social Sciences.
Link to PDF

Science and Responsibility

Leaflet with impressions from the analysis of the SPP 1689 within the sub-project SciPol (german).

Click here to go to the german e-paper »Wissenschaft und Verantwortung«

New SPP 1689 Publications

Ilyina, T. (2015). The combined effects of changes in ocean chemistry, biology, and hydrodynamics on alkalinity. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF, 121(No. 408 - Deglacial Changes in Ocean Dynamics and Atmospheric CO2)
Link to PDF

Ferrer-Gonzalez, Miriam; Ilyina, Tatiana (2015): Mitigation Potential, Risks, and Side-Effects of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement. In Nova Acta Leopoldina 121 (408), pp. 275–278.
"The novelty of our research relies on the fact that none of previous studies have addressed this topic with a fully coupled Earth system model of such a level of complexity. Fully coupled set-ups (versus box-models or forced subsystems) hold the potential of revealing new features within the Earth system dynamics."
Link to PDF

Vivian Scott, R. Stuart Haszeldine, Simon F. B. Tett, Andreas Oschlies
Nature Climate Change 5, 419-423 (2015), doi:10.1038/nclimate2578
Link to

Sillmann, J.; et al. (2015): Climate emergencies do not justify engineering the climate
"Current climate engineering proposals do not come close to addressing the complex and contested nature of conceivable 'climate emergencies' resulting from unabated greenhouse-gas emissions."
Link to Nature Climate Change

Niemeier, U.; Timmreck, C. (2015): What is the limit of stratospheric sulfur climate engineering?
"The injection of sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the stratosphere to form an artificial stratospheric aerosol layer is considered as an option for solar radiation management. The related reduction in radiative forcing depends upon the amount injected of sulfur dioxide but aerosol model studies indicate a decrease in forcing efficiency with increasing injection magnitude."
Link to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Matzner, Nils (2015): Engineering the Climate. Politik und Planung der Klimaintervention. In Matthias Koch, Christian Köhler, Julius Othmer, Andreas Weich (Eds.): Planlos! Zu den Grenzen von Planbarkeit. 1st ed. Paderborn: Fink, Wilhelm, pp. 165–179.
German book chapter on climate engineering and its implications and problems of planning.
Link (


Harnisch, Sebastian; Uther, Stephanie; Böttcher, Miranda (2015): From 'Go Slow’ to ‘Gung Ho’? Climate Engineering Discourses in the UK, the US, and Germany. In Global Environmental Politics 15 (2), pp. 57–78. DOI 10.1162/GLEP_a_00298
Link to mitpressjournals

Merk, Christine et al., Exploring public perceptions of stratospheric sulfate injection.
Climatic Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1317-7
Link to Springer Climatic Change

SPP 1689 Scenario workshop Hamburg

Follow-up to the Kassel retreats breakout sessions:
I Development of Assessment Metrics
III Integrative Approaches to Risk / Technology Assessment
Scenario workshop (PhD students only)

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SPP 1689 & SPP 1409 Symposium: Uncertainty as a challenge for science

Uncertainty as a challenge for science – natural-, human- and social-sciences perspectives
Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Haus der TU Darmstadt // 2nd - 4th  March 2015

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New SPP 1689 Publications

V. N. Aswathy et al. (2014): Climate extremes in multi-model simulations of stratospheric aerosol and marine cloud brightening climate engineering

Read more on our news portal

SPP 1689 Discourse Workshop

Discourse Workshop for PhD Students in the SPP 1689
Thursday, 4th and Friday, 5th of December 2014 in Heidelberg

The workshop for PhD students of the SPP discussed various approaches to discourses of Climate Engineering.

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SPP Retreat 2014

Our 2nd SPP-CE-Retreat had taken place 7-8 of July 2014 in Kassel.

Focus of our 2nd SPP-Retreat was on the progress reports of the individual SPP sub-projects, and discussion of further steps on how to achieve our interdisciplinary goals to enable an assessment of Climate Engineering.

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SPP 1689 PhD retreat Kassel

PhD retreat Kassel & workshop on interdisciplinary communication

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Summer School on CE 2014 July 28 - Aug 1

As the fifth installment of an annual series, Heidelberg University, Harvard University, and the German Research Foundation Priority Program on Climate Engineering (SPP 1689) are jointly organizing a summer school on the controversies and complexities of Climate Engineering (CE).

Why do researchers disagree about Climate Engineering?
Heidelberg, July 28 – Aug 1, 2014

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Session at AGU Fall Meeting 2014

San Francisco, 15–19 December 2014 // Session no. 1795

Conveners: Piers Forster (University of Leeds), Ben Kravitz (PNNL); Hauke Schmidt (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology) and Simone Tilmes (NCAR)

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Kiel: Kulturnacht am Blücher

Freitag 6.6. / 20:30 Uhr / Autowerkstatt Köppl & Sohn, Esmarchstr. 29, Kiel

Climate Engineering als Notoperation gegen den Klimawandel!
Müssen wir gezielt in das Klima eingreifen?
Veranstaltung im Rahmen der von Schülern der Kieler Hebbelschule organisierten „Kulturnacht am Blücher”:
Kombination aus Informationsvortrag und Diskussionen mit und innerhalb der Zuschauer. Den Zuschauern werden dazu Rollen zugeteilt von Akteuren die weltweit vom Klimawandel betroffen sind.
Vortragende waren Prof. Andreas Oschlies (GEOMAR), Carola Kniebes (IFW) und Christian Baatz (CAU), begleitet von Martin Behrens (Schulprogramm SPP1689).

Lecture Barben

Prof. Dr. Daniel Barben, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt

'Responsibility' and 'Uncertainty' in the Climate Engineering Discourse of Science and Policy Making: Preliminary Results of the Research Project CE-SciPol (DFG Priority Programme 1689)

20 May 14, Tuesday / 10:30- 12:00 h / Venue: GEOMAR westshore building, lecture hall / Düsternbrooker Weg 20 / 24105 Kiel

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Climate CoLab

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Center for Collective Intelligence has just launched its Climate CoLab for 2014. (

This year it includes a contest where participants can propose a solution to the question: "How can research into geoengineering be governed to limit its environmental and political risks?"

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014

Vienna | Austria | 27 April – 02 May 2014
Sessions with members of the SPP 1689:

Geoengineering the climate: the way forward?

Panel discussion with

  • Ken Caldeira (Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution)
  • Andreas Oschlies (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel)
  • Mark Lawrence (Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam)
  • Paul Quinn (School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University)
  • Krishna Kumar Kanikicharla (Coordinating Lead Author, IPCC Working Group I)

Thu, 01 May, 15:30–17:00 | Room Y1


The fate of added alkalinity in model scenarios of ocean alkalinization

Talk by Miriam Ferrer González and Tatiana Ilyina, Wed, 30 Apr, 11:30–11:45 | Room Y2

SPP 1689 Publication About Climate Engineering in “Nature Communications”

Researchers at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel have now studied with computer simulations the long-term global consequences of several “Climate Engineering” methods. The study is published in the international journal “Nature Communications”.

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Link to Nature Communications

SPP 1689 Modelling Workshop Hamburg January 2014

Impressions and agenda


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SPP 1689 PhD Retreat und Training

First annual PhD retreat and training, 22. – 24.09.2013 in Plön

Agenda and impressions


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SPP 1689 Kickoff Meeting Impressions

Priority Programme 1689 "Climate Engineering" kickoff-meeting | Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities | 06|03|20013


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